Takemoto-Man Blog

ProfileTakemoto-Man Blog

I am Takemoto-Man.I will send out the news in Takemoto Piano, so don’t miss my blog!
 The piano tone gives peace to the Heart.

The orders and indications to stay home are spreading further around the world and even in those countries that saw some kind of mitigation of the circumstances, it is not possible to foresee what will happen in the future. I believe for both adults and children this is a stressful state of things. Exactly because we are in this kind of situation, how about playing the piano? This could be a good chance to stay unite as families and enjoy some time together while reducing the stress at the same time! Many dealers, including the Japanese ones, are doing their best to help spreading the positive message [Stay home with your family and your piano]. Please participate to the spread! To those who adhere, the promoter of the initiative (JUPA) will send an original poster as a present.

Việc cách ly Xã hội ngày càng được nhiều Quốc Gia áp dụng nhằm ngăn chặn sự lây lan của Virus Corona, và sự cách ly dài ngày này khiến cả người lớn lẫn trẻ em cảm thấy vô cùng căng thẳng. Nhưng chính vào thời điểm này, việc luyện tập Piano tại nhà, ngoài việc giúp bản thân tăng cường kỹ năng, còn giúp cả người thân trong gia đình giải toải căng thẳng. [STAY HOME] cũng chính là khẩu hiệu mà nhà nước Nhật Bản đang sử dụng để vận động người dân hạn chế ra đường trong thời điểm này, vì vậy nhất định Quý khách hàng hãy cùng hưởng ứng phòng trào này nhé. Với tư cách là công ty tiên đầu tiên được sử dụng giấy chứng nhận JUPA, công ty chúng tôi xin gởi tặng Quý Khách hàng ORIGINAL POSTER nhằm hưởng ứng phòng trào [STAY HOME] này.

  ANNEX is now OPEN!

I am TAKEMOTO-MAN who loves the pianos and peace!
Today I’m happy to announce opening of Takemoto Piano Annex, our long-awaited large showroom for pianos in two-minute walk from our office building.
Since long years ago, it was a big dream to have a showroom where one can see and play the pianos. Finally the dream has come true!

On April 21st, we welcomed over 800 guests from all over the world and Japan at our parties in Annex. Thankfully, we also had congratulatory telegrams from the mayor of Sakai city, staff members of all major TV stations, a member of Japanese government congress and the consul general of Vietnam.

Takemoto Piano Annex is a showroom of 4,400 square meters that enables customers to “SEE”, “TOUCH”, “FEEL” and then “SELECT” pianos from 500 grand pianos and 900 upright pianos. On 1st floor, we have a piano museum so guests can enjoy seeing very rare pianos. This is the building that no one has ever seen.

We are thinking exciting ideas with our customers at Annex in the future. One is that customers who run musical instruments stores visit Japan with their customers to select pianos. Another idea is that we lecture to customers at Takemoto Piano Annex about methods of exhibit, sell the pianos and so on.

Please stop by and enjoy at Takemoto Piano Annex when you visit Japan!


Good evening!
I’m TAKEMOTO-MAN who loves piano and peace!

Have you ever heard of Japanese traditional candy?
This small sweets bring you big luck!

Some shrines enshrine the God of business and hold “Toka Ebisu” festival in the beginning of the year. Lots and lots of people come there to pray for happiness and business prosperity each year.

One of the lucky items you can buy is this SPECIAL CANDY!

Of course, I’ve already prayed and got the candies!
So, please visit us Takemoto Piano, and enjoy small treats.
Surely you’ll be successful in your business this year!


Hi! I’m TAKEMOTO-MAN who loves piano and peace.

Today’s topic is THE MONEYMAKER, console piano!

New YAMAHA pianos mainly consists of Japanese made, Chinese made, and Indonesian made pianos.

The chart 1 shows the grade of the three segments.
The high grade Japanese grand pianos carry high margins and the size of profit is huge while its turnover rate is low.
On the other hand, the low grade zone- Chinese, Indonesian made upright pianos, just like console model JU109, carry low margins but they have a number of potential customers. Therefore this cash cow turns over at a high rate!

In the first place, why are end-users driven to buy only YAMAHA products?
The answer is very simple; they want pianos made in Japan.
However, many consumers lose their opportunities because they assume YAMAHA pianos costs too much for their budgets.

The manufacture took this as their business challenge and launched new series of Indonesian made pianos at a low price.

Such pianos contribute to gross profit, after gaining a huge range of customers.
As you can guess, this is not only for new piano market. The same thing can be said of the used piano market too. Console pianos are on the up in the popular piano stores.
Some stores emphasize “Japanese made” console, and others place console pianos to attract consumers.

We have various types of console pianos in stock!
Please feel free to contact your sales representative.

  Do you know SA rank pianos?

Hi, I’m TAKEMOTO-MAN who love piano and peace!
It’s time to give you a new key that makes a difference against your competitor! 

Did you know we stock special grade –SA rank pianos?
You may think, “OK, I know their BDY is just nearly new.”
However, actually these special pianos have superiorities in piano overly like action, structure, and sounds etc.

SA rank pianos are carefully selected by a professional technician who is also an inspector in Japan Used Piano Association. It accounts for only 1.3% of over 100 used pianos that our warehouse put over in storage every day!

TAKEMOTO PIANO offers a certification of SA rank condition to prove their rarity values.
We recommend you to place pianos of great condition in your showroom and ride on the strength of additional value on it!

  TAKEMOTOMAN’s holiday! ~Japanese festival~

Hi there!
I’m Takemoto-man who loves piano and peace!
I really want to talk about my holiday today! :-)

We have Labor Thanksgiving Day on 23rd November in Japan.
This holiday comes from the spirit of respect and appreciation for labor.

On that day there are various kinds of traditional events and one of them that I introduce today is called “Niiname-sai (Niiname Festival)”.
Traditionally Japanese have celebrated successful harvest of crops since Asuka- period (A.D. 593), emperors also have held the festival in the imperial palace.
Throughout the country, Shinto Shrines hold the Niiname-sai, so the local shrine near my house also held the event and they performed kabuki called “Kagura”.
Kagura is one of shrine rituals, so they play it in dedication to the god of the shrine.
The explanation of Kagura performances are as below.

The picture No. 1 is the god “Ebisu”, which is a symbol of happiness and good business. On 10th January, people enjoy the festival “Toka Ebisu (10th Ebisu)” to pray prosperous business.
In the picture No.2, dancers are performing “Yamatano-Orochi”. “Yamatano-Orochi” is a myth that the god called Susanoomikoto battles against a big snake with 8 heads.

  TAKEMOTOMAN’s Selling Strategy ~labeling~

I AM TAKEMOTOMAN, who love Pianos and Peace!
In this article, I want to explain more practical and important way of selling pianos.

Today I would like to focus on the way of displaying pianos in a showroom, as I have told you in “Sales Strategy” and “Display method,” also the NEW keyword “under negotiation (I know you are excited now!).”

Please be aware you have already read through the previous articles, “Display method” before you enjoy this one!

As picture No. 1 shows, please place KAWAI or other brand’s piano just next to YAMAHA product so that you can appeal other brand’s sales points through explaining YAMAHA.
Of course, you have to open upper and lower front panels to give an explanation and visual comparison. Please avoid just pressuring your customers to buy other brand’s pianos. But lead them to understand the quality of each piano. Most of end-users rarely know inner structure of piano.

Explanation example)
“These hummers make sound of piano, like this.”
Show basic structure of YAMAHA.
Then use other brands saying,
“Actually, there are various types of hummers, for example, these hummers are made in Germany.”

Surely your customer will realize the differences on the quality by your natural sales talk!
They should show their interests on various brands now.

Also, as picture No.2 suggests, I recommend you to label pianos with the words “under negotiation.” You may think, “Oh, that’s a very typical way!” :-/
However, this method effectively works because end-users tend to buy products from poplar shops.
We struggle to attract people to quiet market. However, crowded, bustling market attract more people without strategies.
Plus, when you have more than 2 stocks of other brands, try to label one with “under negotiation” and another with “New arrival”.
You can imply principle market rule; “Order stocks before popular products become sold-out.”
Little twist enables to sell good products without long sales talk.

  Display method

I am TAKEMOTO MAN, who love Pianos and Peace!
Today, I would like to introduce you examples of displaying pianos in a showroom.

As I explained on “TAKEMOTO MAN’s Sales Strategy” on previous article, there are 3 important topics in order to navigate more potential customers into your showroom:
1. Variety of merchandise
2. How to display the merchandise
3. Explanation of the merchandise

Although these factors are essential to construct good showroom, there are many showrooms which do not consider the topics, and those who do not consider the factors tend to have less sales. Our sales staffs have explained you about the topic No.1 and 3 already, so I would like to point out the topic No.2.

The photo No.1 shows very typical way to display pianos; gathering all Yamaha pianos in one place. It looks nice and in order. However, this display actually lessens customers’ intention to purchase! Because, in this way of display, customer can compare pianos between Yamaha models, and you lose chance to sell different types of pianos (such as pianos that you want to sell, expecting more profit, or long-stay inventory). Customers often tend to look for certain product groups which they are interested, only there. Even though there are big signs or sales recommendation, they do not pay attention to other places which they are not so interested.

Another factor of the tendency is because customers are not familiar with various brands of pianos. They only know Yamaha, or at most Steinway or Kawai. Those customers come to buy certain piano, making certain decision which to buy, along with their narrow knowledge. As in the photo No.2, if you place some pianos that your customers are not familiar, they have chance to compare & contrast well-known pianos and unfamiliar pianos. As a result, you can utilize your inventory more effectively for comparison, and you will gain more chance to sell different types of pianos through this display method, such as recommending higher-price pianos than customer’s budget.

  TAKEMOTO MAN’s Sales Strategy

I am TAKEMOTO MAN, who love Pianos and Peace!
There are 3 major factors to sell pianos efficiently.

1.Drawing customers into shop
2.Displaying pianos
3.Explaining pianos

Above 3 factors are important factors to influence sales.
1. Advertisement is one option, but variety of merchandise in your shop is more important. In case you deal with only Yamaha pianos, your shop attracts customers looking for Yamaha pianos. However, you lose customers who would like to compare variety of piano brands, ending up with opportunity loss. In your store, don’t you display other musical instruments, such as brass instruments, string instruments, or digital pianos? What for? Is that for the purpose to attract many customers into your shop? To have variety of pianos is the same concept; attracting variety of customers holding wide range of selections.
2. In your shop, don’t you display pianos by categorizing Yamaha, Kawai, and other brands and display them separately? If you do so, please display variety of brands mixing. If you separate each brand to different places, customer loses chance to touch various pianos due to distance factor. This also leads to opportunity loss to sell various brands. Please let customers have opportunity to play various pianos to promote various pianos. This is efficient way to sell high-profit pianos that you want to sell.
3. Even if you do care about above 2 factors, customers lose chance to know variety of pianos without proper explanation about the merchandise. Retail customers may have knowledge about brands acquired through internet, but they are not familiar with actual piano performance. As those customers are beginners on piano performance, you need to navigate them to see, touch, and feel various pianos, as professional piano seller. In case of promoting non-Yamaha/Kawai pianos, showing inner mechanical parts by removing front panels is effective to draw customers’ attention, since most of them are not familiar with piano’s inner structure. Then you explain detailed explanation on parts used in those pianos, you have more opportunity to sell various brands.

For more details about sales strategy written in this e-mail or “WORLD SELECTED PIANO CATALOG,” please feel free to contact your sales representative, so that we are willing to answer!


Hi there!
Takemoto-man is here!

Today, I’d like to tell you about new marketing method using SNS (Social Networking Service).

As you know, it is becoming quite popular to provide company news using SNS especially in Western countries.
Of course, musical instrument industry should apply this new marketing method!

In the first place, SNS let people share individual news. However, like I said, companies improving their images and delivering sales information benefit hugely from SNS.
While many people may think SNS spreads only among young people, it is a big tool for main piano buyers of 30’s to 40’s, too.

I do suggest advertising activities by posting company’s daily news, activities, and coming information.

I assume many companies have already registered SNS.
If you have not, why don’t you start it RIGHT NOW to run your business well and polish your company’s image.

Please refer following examples of posts on SNS.
If you have any further questions, please contact to sales representatives.

We are repairing pianos in our warehouse now!
It will become as high quality as new ones.


Uploading such picture is one good example if you have facility to repair pianos.
If you don’t have a place to repair it, we can send our pictures in Japan!
Then you can exert a powerful appeal to Japan Quality.

We’ve got a prize from Japan Used Piano Association as the best retailer in 2015!
This prize proves our effort on importing Japanese used pianos and understanding on piano sales.


Upload new information, and earn name recognition and remarkable difference from your competitors!
Piling up such information for long time period is crucial to make a public recognition, so please keep in mind to upload frequently!

  My Recommended Pianos

My Recommended Pianos

I am TAKEMOTO MAN, who love Pianos and Peace!
Surprisingly enough, Takemoto Piano collects 100 pianos PER DAY, and they come into our warehouse everyday! Among those collected pianos, I would like to recommend you some pianos.

Today’s Pick: EASTEIN Grand Pianos!
As Japanese pianos are famous of mass production like Yamaha & Kawai, EASTEIN is very rare company who focused on quality production by handcraft like European manufacturers.
EASTEIN also designed grand pianos within their factory, carefully examining German Bluthner and Austrian Bosendorfer. As the number of production was not many, the brand is valuable and favored by enthusiastic fans.

We currently hold 2 units of EASTEIN grands; although there are no indications of model names, the above photos with depth of 156cm is called “NO.150,” and lower photos with depth 175cm is called “NO.200.” Both models are very rare pianos.

NO.150 is characteristic on its arc-shape back posts. This structure lessens cabinet twist caused by string tension. Black bar connecting the arc roles as tension regulator, which enables fine adjustment of the tension. The piano can endure for higher string tension with this tension regulator, making possible for C3-size piano performance.

NO.200 is not EASTEIN’s regular lineup, but its existence was presumed as very rare model (it is said that EASTEIN’s main grands are NO.150, NO.250 (depth 190cm), and NO.350 (depth 195cm)). Its depth of 170cm is the same size as Steinway Model M and Bechstein Model L, world-popular size. Although its iron frame is not crossing type, it has very sustained & extended tones. Same as NO.150, there is black bar of tension regulator on back side, against cabinet twist caused by string tension.

  Secret of TAKEMOTO MAN

I am TAKEMOTO MAN, who love Pianos and Peace!
I keep myself face secret, but I would like to reveal some of my background!

I was born in family running piano retail shop, and had education on pianos and being HERO!
During high-school age I had been against my parents. However, I came back to learn more about pianos and being HERO, under outstanding technician who was the last pupil of Mr. Koichi Kawai.

After starting career in Takemoto Piano, I constituted Piano Maintenance Department to set piano repair. Later, Piano Painting section was added to the department.

In order to know deeper on piano sales, I started piano domestic wholesale company. Not only Yamaha Kawai, I learned vast fields on piano business.

Now, I come back to Takemoto Piano, and work more as TAKEMOTO MAN!

  Wooden egg

I am TAKEMOTO MAN, who loves Pianos and Peace!
In busy days, TAKEMOTO MAN also needs some relief...
Now I am sticking to this wooden egg-shape ball!
This has good smell of fresh timber, and it leads me to
relaxed feeling. I really recommend this item!

From today, Takemoto Piano would like to give this
"wooden egg" to you as gift upon your visit at our warehouse!
For more details, please ask our personnel in charge!

  China exhibition

I am TAKEMOTO MAN, who loves Pianos and Peace!
Let me inform you about Music China exhibition placed in Shanghai last week.
Sadly I could not visit the exhibition, but our staffs covering Asian countries made efforts to attend to clients.
I wish I could come to the show next year!


Hello, everyone. Takamoto-man is coming.
Thank you for your support.

September is the great season for touring in Japan.
The weather is comfortable and autumn leaves are amazingly beautiful.
A lot of people come to Kyoto to see it every autumn.
(As a matter of fact, Kyoto was chosen as the No. 1 spot on Travel + Leisure's annual World's Best list.)

We have some travel brochures in the office and are always ready for you to help your business trip to Takemoto Piano


Hello, it’s me Takemoto-man!
Passsed The Midsummer Day of the Ox, we recently have melting hot days in here Japan.
We should stay hydrated especially for this season and happily we got cold watermelons from our CEO on the other day!! When you are talking summer, you are talking watermelons! That’s a clever way of surviving hot summer in Japan!
We all enjoyed watermelons and honestly this wonderful present refreshed us!

~Important Notification~
We do have summer vacations from the following date.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and we appreciate your understanding.
・CLOSED DATE : August 13th, 2015 – August 16th, 2015
・RESUMED DATE : August 17th, 2015

  July 24 & August 5

It has been hot these days.
The weather here in Osaka is not that good. As you know, a typhoon came last week.

By the way, we Japanese traditionally eat eel on the midsummer day of the ox in order to overcome the summer heat.
Eel is known as a nutritious food and rich in vitamin A & B.
The midsummer day of the ox is July 24 & August 5 this year.
We Takemoto Piano staff will have a bowl of eel and rice at lunch on July 23 and regain energy to survive this hot summer!
I cannot wait to eat that lunch…!

  July 7th

Hello, this is Takemoto-man.
It is turning in July and getting ready for summer here in Japan.

Some may know that there is a Star Festival called “Tanabata” in Japan on July 7th.
On this date the Vega and Altair who both were separated by the Milkey way can meet each other, and we celebrate their reunion by decorating bamboo tree with the stripes of paper with our wishes wrote on.

At our entrance hall in Takemoto Piano, we have a big bamboo tree for a couple of weeks, and we wrote up to 3 wishes.

Please enjoy this Japanese culture if you have a chance to visit our office this week. May your wishes come true….!

  Great Magic to babies?!

Hi! This is Takemoto man.
Have you ever heard the song used for our TV advertisement??
The song has been broadcasted in whole of japan and it is so familiar to Japanese people.
Once I talked about my job as “working for Takemoto Piano”, some people got surprised and sang the song to me.
Plus, this song has miracle and wonderful power enough to make the crying baby stop crying!!
When we used to send this song as CD & DVD to our customers, we got nice response from who enjoyed the song.
If you are also interested in this magic of our song, please ask your sales person in detail!!

  Company trip

Hello, everyone.
Takamoto-man is coming.
How are you doing?
From June 12th to 14th, we went to three - days two - night trip in Oita!
We got on board a new luxury cruise ship furnishing the original Spa and Observatory just finished in this April.
Without seasickness, I had a nice and comfortable cruise.
We enjoyed many sightseeing spots of Oita.
Despite some rain, we had a lot of fun with local delicious foods and hot springs and promoted friendship with each other very much.
That was really great experiences for me.

  greeting cards

Hello! Takemoto-man is here!
Takemoto Piano sends greeting cards every month to the customers who purchased pianos for current month.
Our greeting cards include lots of beautiful Japanese cultures such as the four season’s flowers, seasonal events and so on!
Although we can send only 1 greeting card for each customer, they send good reviews and we are really happy about it.
We will work hard to live up to your expectations and try to create more beautiful and wonderful greeting cards from now on too!

  3000 people wind orchestra

Dear Customers
Hello!! This is Takemoto man.
It is getting hot day by day in Japan.
The big event “3000 people wind orchestra” will be held in Kyoceradome –Osaka on June 20th, 2015.
This year marks the 13th anniversary of Takemoto piano support. That is more powerful than it looks in real. There were approximately 22,000 visitor, and 4,000 performers last year. I’m pretty sure it will be fun with energetic sound and performing this year.


Hello, as you know, this is Takemoto-Man.
“Louvre Museum Exhibition” will be held in Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art from June to September, 2015.
The exhibition gets a lot of attention because Vermeer’s ‘The Astronomer’ comes to Japan for the first time.
We Takemoto Piano cosponsor the exhibition as a part of the activities supporting arts and culture.
Our President is going there to cut the tape at the opening ceremony, so he asked me, “Do you wanna do that?” Of course it was just a kidding.
Well, I am unfit for that important post, but I am very happy to go to Kyoto and the museum with you! I am waiting for your visit.


"Hello there! Again it’s me, Takemoto-man.
How have you been these days?

Although we had some unstable weather in this month (we had typhoon and a sudden shower), recently it’s been settled and good to be outside.

Next month in June, we have a big event in our company that we are going to Oita-prefecture (west side of Japan) from 12- 14th to enjoy hot-spring by a ferry!!
We hope to get to know co-workers with nice food, drinks, and hot-spring.
This is going to be one of the best memories in our lives!

…Meaning that out office will be close from 12-14th June. We are sorry about this inconvenience. If you have anything to ask during the dates, please email to your staff, then we will get back to you on 15th June"

  early summer

Hello! This is Takemoto-Man.
May is coming, and we get early summer season.
Many of coworkers wear short sleeve shirts.
It is good time to see flowers such as rose & hydrangea, and nice weather for sightseeing.
We support to who visits here for not only business trip but also sightseeing.
If you have requests about places you would like to go or what you would like to try, please let us share.
We are willing to suggest exciting plans as many as we can, while we prepare leaflets for visitors.
Your visit is always welcomed!!

  Mother’s Day

"Mother’s Day.
Thank you very much for your continuous support.
After Golden week holidays, we are back to work from May 5th.
I stayed home relaxed.
On the second Sunday in May, there is a special event, so called “Mother’s Day”.
In Japan, most of people send carnations as a way of expressing “thank you” to their mothers.
Some people show their gratitude by buying lovely presents like accessories and the others go out for dinner with their mother.
I found many goods displayed in the department stores!!

  Carp Streamers

Thank you for your cooperation with Takemoto Piano.
Finally, Japanese holiday week almost comes around and our office would be closed during this term.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and we appreciate your understanding.
This picture shows “Carp Streamers” and we have custom of hanging out this Carp Streamers on Children’s Day, May 5th, every year.
Based on our old belief that carp is believed to be fish capable of climbing up stream against the torrent, carp is taken as a symbol of the strength, courage and patience to accomplish major goals.
We pray for all children that they will take after carp and live their lives strongly by hanging out the Carp Streamers.
You can see Carp Streamers all over the place in Japan right now, and truly it is nice to see them when they are flying in the crystal clear blue sky.
OK, see you soon after the holidays!

  Japanese tea ceremony

Hello, Takemoto-Man is here!
We took a trail lesson of Japanese tea ceremony the other day at Sakai Plaza of Rikyu and Akiko.
Sado, Japanese tea ceremony, is one of our traditional cultural practices drinking Japanese traditional tea called “Matcha.”
The Sakai city where our company has been placed has a strong connection with a famous master of tea ceremony, SEN no Rikyu, and Japanese woman poet, Akiko Yosano. The building where we took a lesson is named after these 2 famous people, and there are Tofu restaurant and memorial hall besides tea ceremony room.
We are looking forward to seeing you with the heart of Omotenashi, the hospitality we learned from this lesson.
Also, if you have any request such as making powdered green tea at tea ceremony room or tasting of traditional Japanese food, please feel free to contact your person in charge!
We hope to see you someday soon!


We have Metasequoia around the company entrance.
Becasue they were found as fossil in Japan, they were thought to be extinct about a million years ago.
Later, however, specific trees grew in China were proved to be the same species as Metasequoia, which are now called “living fossil.”

You have to take care of the tree until they take root. But once they take root, they grow by themselves.
Our CEO said, “I planted Metasequoia because I want our staff to grow up to think for themselves like the trees.”
I will be interesting to see what both trees and our staff will turn out to be.
Check out our entrance plants when you come visit us!


Hello, again it's Takemoto-man.

We did "Hanami" in our cafeteria last week.
"Hanami" is the most typical Japanese seasonal tradition in spring, drinking and eating a lot with viewing beautiful cherry blossoms.
We got full with delicious Tempura and Takoyaki!

The new comers were also welcomed at the Hanami party.
It was really a enjoyable moment as we had a chance to talk with workers of different department.
Although the cherry blossoms are almost fallen now, we have many beautiful flowers, scenaries, and delicious foods in each season.
We are very looking forward to meeting you here in Japan!


Hello! This is Takemoto-Man.
The last month, March, was our anniversary of 37th establishment.
And, we have a lunch box for free as a present from our company everyday in this month!!
We are so happy with it.
Actually, the first day is April-fool, so we were wondering. But, we got it really.
Eating the same dishes together makes a lot of fun & chatting.
I am expecting a little that we get this gift in the next time…;D

  Medical Treatment Room

Dear customers,

Hello, I’m Takemoto man.
Thank you for your continuedsupport for us.

Towards closing days of March, how is your health?
Every year, many people in Japan suffer from sneeze and stuffy nose caused by spreading Japanese cedar or Hinoki Cypress pollen and we have to take a measure like wearing a Mask.

It is very important to maintain physical condition in order to prevent such pollens into the body.

In Takemoto piano, we have an in-house medical treatment room and the doctor come to provide health care twice a month.
Employees ask free health consultations to the doctor.
Um…that’s just my vanity story..!

  Kagami-biraki !!

It’s me, Takemoto-Man!

Today, I would like to introduce one of our Japanese cultures, Kagami-biraki.
On festive occasions, it is traditional to break open a cask of sake,
beating on the lid with wooden mallets.
The lid is called Kagami from its resemblance to a mirror,
and it is believed that this ceremony brings lots of lucks.

The first picture shows the moment that our CEO and staffs are doing Kagami-biraki.
Actually, the real cask of sake is really huge and it is impossible to hold it in your hands.
Because of this reason, it is difficult to present it to you, but please don’t worry!

We prepare small cask of sake for you! (Please take a look at the 2nd picture!)
These are special made by craftsmen in Japan, (Of course, there is sake inside of the cask!)
and I am sure that they would become nice souvenirs for someone who wants to get off to a good start!

Our CEO says “I need to taste the sake before we present them to our precious customers!”
He LOVES drinking, so it means that I have to protect the casks from him, as Takemoto-man.
Please visit Takemoto Piano BEFORE our CEO finishes to drink all the casks of sake!

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

  Cherry blossom?


Thank you for your support.

It is still cold in Osaka.

The picture below is a fake cherry blossom.

Sprinkle the magic water on the paper made tree,
and then the cherry tree will come into full bloom in a few hours!

This is really amazing!

We give this mysterious tree to the customers who visit our company.

I wish we could give a real cherry blossom, but then you would not be allowed to leave Japan with the real tree…!
Please enjoy Japanese spring with our gift.

  Nice to meet you!

Niceto meet you!
I am Takemoto-Man and started a new blog today.
I will send out the news in Takemoto Piano,
so don't miss my blog!

Actually, our CEO made a surprise visit to our customers in Arab and Sri Lanka this January.
This is a photo taken during his journey.
Looks fun, doesn’t it?
He showed us this picture, saying that he went to piano stores,
but he was on a camel!
I wonder if he went there. What do you think?

He might come to visit you while you are reading this blog next time!

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